WRAPPER: Nicaraguan Connecticut Wrapper
BINDER: Nicaragua Seco Binder
FILLER: Nicaraguan Esteli Seco Long Fill
5" x 52 ROBUSTO
Magno Cigars: Crafted for the True Cigar Aficionado
Magno Cigars offer a distinct experience, designed to ignite a passion for the art of cigar enjoyment. Each Magno cigar is meticulously crafted to deliver an unforgettable smoking experience, embodying a philosophy rooted in indulgence, heritage, and community. The Magno family believes in capturing the essence of true cigar enjoyment, providing an experience that resonates with every draw and leaves a lasting impression for every connoisseur.
A Legacy of Craftsmanship
For those who appreciate the intricate details and historical tradition behind each premium cigar, Magno is more than a brand—it’s an art form. From the dedication to quality in each handcrafted cigar to the deep-rooted heritage of their founders, Magno Cigars uphold the legacy of a premium smoking experience.
A Bond Beyond the Smoke
Cigars have a unique way of bringing people together, sparking conversations, and building lasting friendships. Magno celebrates these moments of connection, where a great cigar, enjoyed with good company and a fine drink, transforms into a shared memory.
The Magno Heritage
Founded by three Canadian brothers with family roots in Europe and Central America, the Magno legacy reflects a rich heritage, tracing back to ancestral Spanish nobility. Living amidst Canada’s four distinct seasons, these brothers value time and the enjoyment of each moment—values they bring to every cigar in the Magno collection.
Commitment to Quality
Every Magno cigar is crafted with impeccable attention to detail, from carefully selected wrappers to the complex aging and blending process. This commitment ensures a premium cigar experience defined by quality, consistency, and satisfaction.
Begin Your Journey with Magno Cigars
Indulge in the taste of a fine Magno Cigar and embrace the art of a well-crafted smoke. Each cigar promises a luxurious experience, designed to be savored and remembered.
Shipping & Tracking
Orders are processed and picked up between 3pm to 5pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday. It typically takes one business day to process an order. Shipping time can vary depending on your location and choice of shipping service.
The Hoot Hut complies with federal and provincial guidelines on the sale and distribution of goods to customers over the age of 19; therefore, a signature and an ID check are required on delivery or pickup for all orders. As a result of this, packages cannot be left at the door or in a mailbox. Orders shipped to a P.O. box address will be held at a Canada Post office for pickup.
Any orders sent with free shipping are shipped via Canada Post Expedited Parcel. In order to qualify for free shipping, the subtotal of your order (after discounts, but before taxes) must exceed $149 CAD.
Estimated shipping times may be affected by a number of factors, including, but not limited to
Your choice of delivery service (Expedited Shipping, Xpresspost, etc.)Your location (all orders are shipped out of Midland, Ontario)The day on which the order was placed (some couriers do not operate on weekends)Weather conditionsActs of Nature (natural hazards and unavoidable occurrences outside of our control: earthquakes, wildfires, floods, etc.)Holidays
Please refer to your courier of choice’s estimated shipping times for further clarity before ordering.
Once your order is placed, the respective courier will provide you with an estimated shipping date. As it is an estimate, the date of arrival may vary.
If paying by credit card, please note that using a billing or shipping address that is not associated with your credit card may cause our credit verification system to flag your order.
If you’re placing an order for yourself, the billing information and shipping information must match, or you must ship to an address authorized on your credit card.
If you’re placing an order as a gift, you may be required to contact your credit card provider and have this address approved.
Shipments lost in transit or damaged: once the package leaves The Hoot Hut warehouse facility and a tracking number is provided, the package becomes the responsibility of the specified carrier. Delays or delivery errors by courier companies are completely out of our control. For your protection, we provide automatic insurance of up to $100 when you request trackable shipping.
Before a courier investigation is started, please confirm that the package accepted by a concierge, roommate, or family member.Please double check to ensure that your package has exceeded the estimated shipping time provided above, and that there are no delay notices at the top of our website.Reach out to our Customer Service team via email (, along with your order number.After an investigation has been initiated, a confirmation notice will be sent to you via our Customer Service team.The courier may reach out to you to confirm the package has not been received via phone or email.Courier investigation may take up to 5 business days, or longer in complex cases. Unfortunately, we must wait until this investigation has been completed before we’re able to resend or refund the order for insurance purposes.